Rome Travel Tips

Rome Travel Tips

Rome Travel Tips

So much to see, so much to do! Here’s our top Rome Travel Tips:

1.Private Driver and Guides is a must.

The van was roomy with lots of air condition ( a very much needed and welcomed necessity. Rome was the hottest I’ve ever seen it . Oh my word. Hot Wave x 100!) Our driver was amazing at taking us through the tight streets and getting us where we needed to be with ease, and cold water at just the right time. Our guides were irreplaceable. We saw and learned so much!

2. Comfy shoes are a necessity!

The walking and walking and walking , whew…….but it was so worth it. Do not worry about fashion. Choose comfort!

3. Make your Colosseum visit epic by snagging pre-booked tickets in advance.

Your guide will spill the gladiator tea, making it a journey back in time with your personal storyteller. Again…private guide here is the only way to go.

4. Vatican VIP (Very Early Please).

Secure your spot on the morning Vatican tour – it's like having a backstage pass to the Sistine Chapel. All the perks of seeing it without the crowd hassle and the very long wait just to get in.

5. Venture beyond the tourist hotspots and discover hidden trattorias for an authentic Roman dining experience.

Local favorites often hide in plain sight, offering mouthwatering dishes that embody the essence of Italian cuisine.

6. Find a rooftop joint for sunset vibes.

Sip on something local, soak in the view, and pretend you're in a movie set in the Eternal City.

7. If art is your thing, don’t miss the artistic brilliance of the Borghese Gallery.

Pre-book your entry to marvel at sculptures by Bernini and masterpieces by Caravaggio in an intimate setting, away from the bustling crowds.

8. Get a guide to give you the lowdown on the Roman Forum. It's not just a bunch of old rocks; it's like an ancient soap opera, complete with betrayal and power struggles. You laugh, but it really is.

9. Chuck a coin into the Trevi Fountain, because why not?

It's like making a wish, but with a splash. Bonus points if you nail the 'over-the-shoulder' toss.

10. Join the locals for aperitivo hour.

Sip on a fancy drink, nibble on the best and greenest olives you’ve ever had and soak in the pre-dinner vibes. It's a time to enjoy the coolest spots in Rome – just swipe that credit card for the full experience.

11. Take a gelato break.

Rome is dotted with charming gelaterias offering a delightful respite from the heat. And boy, can it get hot! Indulge in the rich, creamy flavors – it's practically a rite of passage.

Alright, now to tell you all about our time there……

Rome Travel Tips

Shopping and Food

We spent our first afternoon roaming the streets, taking in some shopping and of course, can you guess it? Good Food!

Prada in Rome

Private Walking Tour

The next day we had a private walking tour of the Vatican City, We met our guide early that morning and thank heavens for early access and skip the line tickets. The crowd was already massive. . Our guide, Giovanni came prepped with maps, pictures and an Ipad to prepare us before we even went in with so much information that really helped make the visit that much better. He shared with us all the the history and features of the Sistine Chapel and what we needed to keep a special eye out for. Because we got there early enough, we were able to visit the beautiful Raphael Rooms, commissioned by Pope Julius II with fewer crowds.

Next, we entered the Sistine Chapel where we spent some time on our own inside the world-famous room to pick out the details we had just learned about and better understand Michelangelo's genius. After the Sistine Chapel, exiting through a special door that leads straight into St. Peter's Basilica, we enjoyed a guided tour of the holiest place in Christendom. Built over St. Peter's tomb, the basilica is one of the world's most important Christian sites and the world's largest ancient basilica. And Wow…..that’s all I can say…… Wow. It truly was a sight to behold. We finished by heading outside to St. Peter's Square. You can bet the next time the Pope is on tv, I will be paying closer attention since I’ve seen exactly where he presents his different speeches from.

Rome Travel Tips


After that, we were off to lunch, soak in so more AC (did I mention it was extra Hot? ) and then off to visit the Colosseum. Seriously, have you ever really listened to the stories of the gladiatiors? I mean….so hard to believe that existed and how elaborate the details were on the Colosseum all those years ago. It truly is a must see even if you’re not a history person.

outside the Colosseum

I love how you can be shopping at the most “bougie” of shops, turn one corner and see a structure built in the 800's. It really is surreal!

We had some amazing meals while in Rome but I think my favorite of the whole trip was AdHoc. If you are going to Rome and want a true fine dining experience with the most extensive wine list I have ever seen in my life, put this place on your list. Have you ever heard of “pre-dessert”? I mean….the food kept coming. It was a good thing we walked home. :)

wines in Rome
Rome Travel Tips

Well that’s a wrap on Rome.

For my last and final tip… before you embark on your Roman adventure, consider this insider tip: enlist the expertise of a one of our travel advisors. Picture having a personal guide to navigate the labyrinthine streets, ensuring you experience the best of Rome with ease. A TH travel advisor can secure those coveted pre-booked tickets, unveil hidden gems, and curate an itinerary that perfectly suits your style.

Let us know if you’re ready to start planning your next trip to Rome or anywhere for that matter.

CLICK HERE and let’s start planning!

Buon viaggio!

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